domingo, 2 de diciembre de 2012

Thanksgiving Composition

    I want to say thanks for been where I am and also, for all the good things I can enjoy and others cannot in this world.

    Firstly, I'm going to say thanks for the family I have. I'm very lucky, because I could have a family who argues all day, or even don't have one.

    Other thing I must be grateful for is my house. Other people have to stay in places, like a cash dispenser, where they can't take shalter from the cold, rain or wind. Instead, I have a house where is warm in winter and where I can sleep comfortably.

    To sum up, I want to say thanks for my health. I could have any disability or a dangerous illness, like many other children of my age, who can't live normally. But I can practice the sports I like and do whatever I want.

In conclusion, I have to say thanks for all the things I have. We shouldn't complaint as much as we do, because we could be much worse than we are now.

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