martes, 11 de diciembre de 2012


In the English class, we have done a project. It consisted of describing some photos related to a song.

We chose Imagine, of John Lenon, because we thought that it was had very clear topics, so it was easier to choose photos related to them. We also prepeared an activity (fill in the gaps) with the lirycs of the song.

If you look for this link you can see the photos we described in class.

domingo, 2 de diciembre de 2012

Thanksgiving Composition

    I want to say thanks for been where I am and also, for all the good things I can enjoy and others cannot in this world.

    Firstly, I'm going to say thanks for the family I have. I'm very lucky, because I could have a family who argues all day, or even don't have one.

    Other thing I must be grateful for is my house. Other people have to stay in places, like a cash dispenser, where they can't take shalter from the cold, rain or wind. Instead, I have a house where is warm in winter and where I can sleep comfortably.

    To sum up, I want to say thanks for my health. I could have any disability or a dangerous illness, like many other children of my age, who can't live normally. But I can practice the sports I like and do whatever I want.

In conclusion, I have to say thanks for all the things I have. We shouldn't complaint as much as we do, because we could be much worse than we are now.

sábado, 1 de diciembre de 2012

Scary Movie

       For the English class, we have done a project. The project was related with the Halloween night. We could choose between a horror history or a scary movie. In my group, we chose the scary movie because we thought it would be much interesting than the horror history.

       Firstly, we decided about what will be the film about. Then, we decided which roles would have each member of the group. After that, we wrote the script of the film and we decided where we were going to record the film. Finaly, we met and recorded it.

       We didn't have any real problem, but the sound was a bit difficult to record. We edited it easily. It was a good experience. It was really entertaining, becaause we had to make up ourselves.

Here you have the film and the script, I hope you enjoy it!


Pedroà Mike

Elena:                        This is the actual world. Forget about your life. Now the important thing is survive. No matter what you do, no matter what you say.
Juanan:         Few people are still alive, small groups keep trying to find a place to live and some food to eat.

(Countryside anywhere)
Marta:           The city was supposed to be here… We’ll never find it!
Pedro:           Just behind us!
Marta:           Aaahhh!!!
(Few minutes later)
Pedro:           Hey guys, look at that!
Miguel:         We have to go, we need to find some food.
Marta:           That’s a good idea.
(At the door)
Miguel:         What the hell, what’s that?
Pedro:           Bah, that’s Chinese!
Marta:           No… I think it’s Spanish.
Miguel:         F****** Chinese!
(At street)
Pedro: Heyy!
Miguel:         What have you found?
Pedro:           It’s a camera.
Miguel:         A really good camera!
Pedro:           Say hello!!
Marta:           Hello!
Miguel:         Hello! I’m hungry man.
Marta:           Let’s look for food in that house.
Pedro:           Ok, stay here. I’ll check out.
Pedro:           Oh! So lucky. It’s opened.
Mmm… it’s closed. This house looks abandoned. It seems like if zombies have lived here for a long time.
Oh shit!!
Marta:           Something is wrong.
Miguel:         Let’s go in. I’m going to see what’s up with Mike.
Marta:           I’m going to take some food.
(Marta opens the door and shouts)
Marta:           Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!
(At the same time)
Miguel:         What!? Mike!! Oh my god, they are everywhere.
Miguel:         Many things have changed. This is the future.
Victor:           This is a difficult world. If someone falls down, keep running, or you will die, they will eat you.
Miguel:         Cities are yours, you are alone.
Victor:           Forget about your friends and love.
Miguel:         Don’t forget you are the only human.


Writingà All of us.
DesigningàMarta and Elena.
English checkerà Pedro

lunes, 4 de junio de 2012

My cooking experience

  In the english class we had done a projet in which we had cooked chicken curry.

  We did it in groups and we share out the work. One of us did a power point presentation, other set up the video I'll show you before, etc. We all met to cook the recipe at a friend's house.

  We have some problems recording because our voices didn't sound loud enough, but we could solve them with a computer programme.
  We didn't have big problems cooking, but the recipe was confusing so we were a bit lost when we were cooking it.

  Although it was a bit stressing, we had a lot of fun. I think it was a great experience, but I won't repeat it.

domingo, 20 de mayo de 2012

Table Tennis


The table tennis was created during the 1880s by the British. Upper class people played it after dinner. At first, a row of books were stood up in the middle of a table and other tow books were used too hit a golf ball from one end of the table to the other. After, the rackets were made of cigar box lids and the balls were made of champagne corks.

In 1901, James Gibb, a British enthusiast of table tennis, discovered celluloid balls on a trip to the USA. The same year E.C. Goode developed tennis table paddles to the ones we have now.

Important Competitions

Competitive table tennis is mainly popular in Asia and Europe. The most important international competitions are the World Table Tennis Championships, the Table Tennis World Cup, the Olympics and the ITTF Pro Tour. On a continental level, the most important competitions are the European Championships, Europe Top-12, the Asian Championships and the Asian Games.

martes, 21 de febrero de 2012

In this video I'll show you how to juggle. There are some easy tricks that you'll learn  very quickly, because you are so clever, aren't you? ;)

jueves, 26 de enero de 2012

Hiroshima Song - Sadao Sasaki History

How affect law SOPA to businessis?

Are you sure that SOPA doesn't affect you?


  SOPA means Stop Online Piracy Act. Much people think that law SOPA doesn't affect them, but they are wrong. All the people that were subscribed to Mega Upload and other pages have lost their money, and many web pages that allowed us listening to music or reading books are closed now. All the businessis that earned money by internet are now without job. If you want to make SOPA disappear, you can sing in internet. Millions of people have signed (included me), and, at the moment, some american senators have take away their support to the law.

martes, 24 de enero de 2012

Grullas de Origami

En el I.E.S. Néstor Almendros estamos haciendo grullas de origami para conmemorar a Sadako Sasaki.
Sadako era una niña japonesa de 2 años, cuando el 6 de Agosto de 1945, mientras se encontraba a las afueras de Hiroshima, la primera bomba atómica cayó en esa misma ciudad. Sadako sobrevivió, pero cuando tenía 10 años se empezó a sentir mal. Los médicos le diagnosticaron leucemia. Su enfermedad fue causada por los efectos radiactivos de la bomba atómica que lanzaron cuendo era una niña. La hospitalizaron y mientras se encontró en el hospital siguió una leyenda japonesa que decía que si alguien hacía 1000 gruyas de origami, los dioses le otorgarían un deseo.
Sadako solo quería curarse de la enfermedad y hizo gruyas de origami hasta que, un día cuando tenía 12 años, murió.
Sadako Sasaki consiguió hacer 644 grullas de origami y, en su honor, nosotros haremos, como mínimo, 1000 gruyas de origami.